About me


"Making is a feeling, when you realize what it's like without it; you go insane."
-Robert Maks

Since 2008, after building my first project, a momentum has started that will never fade. Here is a bit about me.

I’m a college student in New York studying to be an Electrical Computer Engineer. Unlike other students I like to make, and all the time. So whenever I’m working on a project I feel can be made public; I’ll share it here so others can learn, make, innovate and who knows what else can happen. 

I was born in New York and still live and study here, with college only a commute away. I have always expressed an interest in how things work since I knew how to play. I always looked at my toys and wondered how they worked, alarming my parents into thinking I didn’t know how to play with them as I looked underneath for their inner workings. Since then I’ve learned on my own to make things myself instead of buying them to learn and make them different, make them my own. There is always a satisfaction indescribable when something thought becomes real. It’s a feeling I wish every person could feel and use to better the world. I hope this blog can inspire you to make to innovate.

Some Cool Facts

Numbers Speak For Themselves

0 +
Years of Experience
0 +
Completed Projects
0 +
Hours of Research